How to use DML Statements in a Function
We can not place any DML statement inside a function simply and
also a function with a DML statement cannot be used inside a SELECT
Here is a small example supporting the above statement:
If we try to run the above function in a select query, the oracle engine throws the error as shown below:
But we can run the above DML statement based function in an anonymous block as shown below:
To use a DML statement inside a Function and also to use that function inside a SELECT query, we have to use PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION inside the function.
You can use the above function ‘fun2’ in a select query as shown below:
Here is a small example supporting the above statement:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fun1(i_empno IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS i_count NUMBER; BEGIN -- DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno = i_empno; -- i_count:=sql%rowcount; -- RETURN i_count; END; / |
SQL> SELECT fun1(1) FROM dual; ORA-14551: cannot perform a DML operation inside a query ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.FUN1", line 6 14551. 00000 - "cannot perform a DML operation inside a query " *Cause: DML operation LIKE INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE OR select-for-UPDATE cannot be performed inside a query OR UNDER a PDML slave. *Action: Ensure that the offending DML operation IS NOT performed OR USE an autonomous TRANSACTION TO perform the DML operation WITHIN the query OR PDML slave. |
DECLARE a NUMBER; BEGIN a:=fun1(7369); dbms_output.put_line(a); END; / |
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fun2( i_empno IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER AS pragma autonomous_transaction; i_count NUMBER; BEGIN DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno=i_empno; i_count:=sql%rowcount; COMMIT; RETURN i_count; END; / |